Dear God, Am I Doing This?

Welcome to Dear God, Am I Doing This? The podcast where we dive deep into life’s biggest questions and mysteries, offering a mystical spin on the journey of life. Join us as we explore topics like courage, faith, spirituality, and the raw realities of life, providing insights and guidance to navigate the complexities we all deal with. Through heartfelt conversations and soul-led reflections, I invite you to join your host Sarah Soul, Mystic Mentor, Spiritual Muse & Energy Healer, as we unravel truths to support you through your spiritual journey and awaken your soul to your most highest potential through your divinity.

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Tuesday May 21, 2024

Welcome Back to another episode of the "Dear God Am I Doing This"? 
In this episode, we continue onto part 2, of How to Find Your Soul. We already know the Soul in itself is such a vast and deep topic, and In this episode, we discuss how Our soul goes through an evolution and that to synchronize, awaken, and be in resonance with our current soul we must partake in healing practices to allow our soul to be Free.

Sunday May 05, 2024

Welcome to another episode of the 'Dear God, Am I Doing This?' podcast with your host, Sarah Soul. Today, we Explore the topic on how to find your soul. Regardless of the path you're undergoing, we believe every human at some stage will confront the need to seek, understand, and connect with their soul. We delve into this integral topic in the first part of our series focusing on how one can identify their soul.
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Friday Apr 26, 2024

Get the Vibrational Match Assessment Here 
Welcome back to another enlightening episode of Dear God, Am I Doing This
Today, we will embark on an exploration of the importance of play in our adult lives and how it can be seamlessly incorporated into our spiritual practices.
Dive headfirst into a beautiful discussion on how play can help open our chakras, bring us closer to the divine and push us towards a perfectly fulfilled life.
In this era of constant hustle, the idea of play may seem counterproductive, or even childish. But at its core, it serves as a potent conduit to connect with our higher selves and the divine.
Moreover, the process of playing promotes inner peace and activates fulfilment in our lives. Mitigate the risks of burnout by integrating play in your daily schedule and in doing so, find out -- Dear God, Am I Doing This Right?
Based on first-hand experience, this episode discusses how taking out time for fun can tune your creative channels and open gateways.
Bringing in perspective from the eyes and hearts of children, the episode shares insights on what adult play can imply and how it can guide us to forming a deeply personal and meaningful connection with our spiritual selves.
Focusing on elements like consciousness, awareness, mindfulness and laughter in our play-time activities, this podcast episode delves deep into the idea of play not only as a means of relaxation but as an essential part of spiritual practice.
It further explores varied forms of play, ranging from art, music and dance to yoga and fitness, encouraging listeners to seek joy, laughter and fulfilment through their specific preferences.
A key part of this episode is understanding our vibrational state, and the role of play in matching our vibrations with our desires. By sharing personal anecdotes and simple yet effective guidance, this episode aims to help understand the nuances of manifestation and how it connects with our vibrational state. 
Play, as elucidated in this episode, is a magical process - helping you connect with your higher self and opening up avenues, packed with myriad signs, synchronicities and symbols. When you involve yourself in play, surrendering to the divine, it acts as a link to your untapped energy, delivering joy and fulfilment in your life.
This episode not only urges listeners to play but emphasises the significance of play in our daily schedule, particularly if you are feeling stagnant, or stuck in the rut of life. It bestows the power of play and offers tips and suggestions on how to harness its potential for self-improvement and spiritual growth.
Do you incorporate play in your spiritual practice? How does it affect your life? Stay connected and receive insightful content about improving your spiritual practice, write to today.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Welcome back to the third episode of 'Dear God, Am I Doing This?' podcast. Today, I dive into an often misunderstood concept: authenticity. Drawing from various personal experiences and observations, I explore what it means to be your true self and how to break free from societal expectations.
I draw inspiration from a popular Disney movie, Mulan, particularly a song lyric that resonates with this theme: "If I wear a mask, I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart." From this viewpoint, I share insights on the struggles and rewards of unmasking our true selves, and how we often wear masks, falling prey to false identities in our pursuit to fit in.
The episode is brimming with insights on personal exploration and challenging the societal norms that often cloud our innate authenticity. I shed light on the natural phase of trying on different identities as we navigate through life and how this ultimately leads our way to self-discovery.
'Dear God, Am I Doing This?' is a podcast where I discuss life's biggest questions through a mystical lens, helping you reach your highest potential through your divinity. As your host, I welcome you on this path of self-discovery and embracing your authentic self. Whether you're a seeker, curious soul, or seasoned spiritual practitioner, I hope my personal experiences and reflections offer you profound insights and inspire you to connect with your true self.
In the words of Mulan, "If I wear a mask, I can fool the world but I cannot fool my heart". Join me on this journey to authenticity. Let's unmask together.
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Friday Apr 05, 2024

Vibrational Match Assessment
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Welcome back to the second episode of 'Dear God, Am I Doing This?' In this conversation, we dive deep into the importance of going all in.
As the idea of being fully present resonates with our human experience, we urge you to approach this discussion with an open mind and soul.
We all face challenges in life that require bravery, courage, and faith. Sometimes we need to jump right in and ask ourselves, "Dear God, am I doing this?" This podcast seeks to put a mystical spin on such life questions, inspiring you to reach your highest potential through your divinity.
Borrowing a quote from Master Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no try", we explore the energy and concept behind it. We talk about the significant impact of going all in. When you decide to commit fully—to a relationship, a dream, or even the smallest everyday tasks—you send out an energy to the universe that attracts bigger opportunities.
We discuss the dualities that exist, the potential for negative outcomes, and how these challenges can be faced fearlessly. Going all in is not just about taking a leap of faith; it's about extracting the fullness that life has to offer.
As we descend into tangible examples, you'll learn more about the importance of being present in your decisions, regardless of their size. Make the most of each encounter, and refrain from letting people experience just half of you. Tune in to learn how going all in can amplify how you show up to both yourself and the world around you.
Finally, we converse on embracing the inevitability of death. The thought of death should redefine your perspective on life—making the most out of this life experience.
So, are you ready to go all in, let go of your fears, trust the divine, and truly live life to the fullest?
Join us on this journey and remember: Do or do not, there is no try.

Ep1- I believe I can Fly

Friday Mar 29, 2024

Friday Mar 29, 2024

Welcome to the pilot episode of, Dear God, Am I Doing This? In this episode, we dive into the vast potential we all carry within ourselves and the bravery required to unlock it. This is a journey of explorations and answers to life's greatest questions through a mystical prism.
Remember as a child, when we all genuinely believed we could fly? Sarah Soul recaptures those innocent moments of immense faith, limitless beliefs and uncompromising imaginations. As we grow, society’s precepts often trim these massive wings of potential. The goal of this episode is to reignite that instinctual belief in personal greatness and uncover the divine forces flowing within us.
The host shares her childhood belief of being able to fly, and how she found herself back to it after a period of doubt. An important facet of this episode is the soul-searching and unraveling of limiting thoughts that impair our flight. The focus is on healing, inner work, and retrieving that initial child-like belief.
This episode is a frank realization that we're all divine children, destined for greatness. The focus is the discovery of how the divine source and God’s spirit present in our journey can fuel courage during challenging times. It's about evolving from flying to soaring and understanding that the wings to our desire always existed, and all we need to do is look within.
A spotlight is thrown on negating societal limitations and realizing that our beliefs shape the length of our wings. The episode emphasizes enhancing our belief system, reeling back when doubt tries to plant its roots, and embracing our magic.
To wrap up here, the episode emphasizes embracing the challenges with joy and alignment and soaring above them. Join in on this mystical journey, unlocking your boundless potential to fly.

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